Health & Safety at Farmer Ted’s Farm Park
Please see our frequently asked questions and answers here
You can download a copy of our risk assessment for visitors here
You can download a copy of our NFAN certificate here which highlights our commitment to the p revention of ill health from animal contact at our attraction.
Farmer Ted’s is a family owned farm park, play and adventure centre set in the West Lancashire countryside catering for families with children aged 0 years and upwards. We also welcome nursery, school and voluntary groups.
Visitors are encouraged to interact with our animals in supervised handling sessions and to explore our varied indoor and outdoor play areas.
You can download a copy of our risk assessment for visitors or If you require a more detailed or specific risk assessment, please contact us on Tel: 0151 526 0002.
Group leaders for nurseries and teachers are welcome to visit us in advance to carry out their own risk assessment. Please book this hour long visit in advance on Tel: 0151 526 0002.
We want our visitors to have a safe and memorable visit to Farmer Ted’s and so we ask that you follow a few simple rules whilst on site:
All animals carry bacteria, so PLEASE ensure that adults and children wash their hands thoroughly after being in animal contact areas and before eating.
Hand washing facilities can be found in the animal barn, mini beast centre, on the play field, at the end of the field trail and in the toilets on site. All have hot water, soap and paper towels or hot air dryers.
Please note that cleansing wipes and bacterial hand gels are not a suitable alternative to hand washing.
For Government advice on safety & hygiene on farm visits please found review the HM Government guide: Avoiding infection on farm visits
Another helpful guide is the Industry code of practice for teachers and others organising visits to farm parks.
Feeding & Touching the Animals:
We do not sell food for you to feed to the animals nor do we encourage you to feed the animals.
All our animals are fed daily and overeating or eating the wrong types of food could cause them to become ill.
Please be aware that animals may bite and so if you do touch them in the animal barn, please do be aware that sudden movements or food debris on hands may cause them to have a nibble of you!
Food and drink should be kept out of the animal areas for this reason and hands washed before and after spending time in the animal contact areas.
Children under 5 are most at risk from the bacteria that animals can carry so adults should pay particular attention to them and their movements and actions around the site and supervise their hand washing.
Expectant & new mothers can be at risk from some bacteria particularly in the lambing season so care should be taken when visiting the site at this time of year. For more information please review the Government advice Pregnant women advised to avoid animals that are giving birth.
Clothing & Footwear:
Although the site is on one level, there is a mixture of floor surfaces ranging from grass, gravel, tarmac and bark chippings and so depending on the weather conditions; mud, puddles and slippery floors can be an issue.
Please wear suitable footwear: boots, trainers, wellingtons or closed toed shoes (NO high heels or open toed footwear).
Footwear MUST be worn at all times, except on the indoor soft play areas.
The site is fairly open and therefore exposed to the elements so please ensure you bring a waterproof coat and/or warm jacket. Hats, scarves & gloves are advisable in cold weather.
In the sunshine the adventure play field can be a suntrap so please remember to bring sunscreen, sun hats and to keep young children covered up.
Farmer Ted’s is a NO SMOKING site. A smoking area is available on the main car park and customers will be given a pass out to go for a cigarette if they wish.
Our smoking policy also applies to E-cigarettes.
Smoking on the outside play areas is NOT ALLOWED.
Indoor & Outdoor Play Areas:
None of our play areas are supervised so it is the responsibility of the adults: parents, guardians, teachers or carers to supervise the children in their care at all times and not let them wander off.
All play areas carry a risk of injury but risk is part of a child’s learning experience in life and as such cannot be eliminated.
The indoor soft play has 2 separate areas, 1 for children under 4 and 1 for children aged over 4. There is a height restriction in the over 4 play area to help reduce the risk of injury to smaller children. This doesn’t stop children entering the play area but we ask that they are mindful of the smaller children as they move about the equipment.
Adults can access the play areas to supervise their children but are NOT encouraged to use the slides.
Shoes do need to be removed to access this equipment and we do prefer children and adults to wear socks to prevent the transfer of verruca’s and other such fungal & skin conditions.
Socks are available to buy in the gift shop adjacent to the play areas.
Food and drink is not allowed in the play areas.
The slides in the entrance hall and Climb & Slide are for use with shoes on and aimed at children aged 4 and over and adults.
The outdoor adventure play area has features for all ages, while the zip wire is designed to be used by one person at a time.
First Aid:
If you require first aid during your visit please inform a member of staff or make your way to the indoor play barn where a first aider can be called to assist you.
Personal Possessions:
Your children and your belongings remain your responsibility while on site.
We cannot accept any responsibility for loss, damage or injury caused by leaving your belongings unattended or by going against site instructions & recommendations.
Lost Children:
Although it is a requirement that you supervise your children at all times we do realise that they can slip away from you in a moment. If this happens, please don’t panic but alert a member of staff as quickly as possible and we can carry out a structured search of the site for you.
Writing your mobile phone number on your child’s entry wristband can help us reunite you more quickly if you become separated.
Children should be encouraged to approach a member of staff if they lose contact with you.
Animal Welfare
Farmer Ted’s Adventure Farm comply with the NFAN Animal Attraction Assurance Scheme standards.
This means that we have an annual inspection to ensure we are complying with the industry code of conduct and animal welfare regulations based on the five freedoms of animal welfare:
Farmer Ted’s welcomes visitors of all ages and abilities. Our access statement , provides a detailed insight into our facilities but if you require more information, please do give us a ring on 0151 526 002 or speak to a member of staff.
We do have a wheelchair for customer use and you are welcome to make use of it if it is available at the time of your visit.
Comments / Questions:
If you have any comments about your visit, please speak to a member of staff or fill in a comments slip available at the exit to the site.
We hope you have a HAPPY and SAFE visit to Farmer Ted’s!